Monday, June 2

quick trip

It's been awhile since I've whipped out the old camera, but I brought it with me on a quick trip to St. George a couple of weeks ago. For the past few months I'd typically grab my iphone to snap a picture, but while we were down there, I was excited to look through a lens again. I guess you can't really help it when you're surrounded by that glorious orange canvas! A few of my friend's and I thought it would be nice to sneak away for the weekend, and after a long semester.. it was just what I needed. 

We spent most of our time obsessing over our friend Kylie's little man... if you can't tell from the pictures. Throughout the trip I gained so much respect for mothers. As I watched her meet his every need and sacrifice all her time to help him, it made me realize how amazing mothers are. Kuddos to all you mommies out there! After hours of conversation and baby sharing, we made our way back home. Although, I don't think it'll be too long before I get another craving for that red rock.

PS. Thanks to Ryleeblake, I have a fresh new design! Check out her stuff here.  


  1. what a fun trip! You girls are babes! Oh and that little guy?? he is such a stud. Seriously.

  2. such cutie photos!love your blog! what kind of camera do you use??

  3. you're backkkkk! you girls are the cutest. let me be the asian friend. please? thanks. also, love the new loooook! <3

  4. in love with the first picture! The buns on everyone's heads, the baby. ADORABLE.
    xo, Lauryn
